Friday, May 8, 2009

BackTweets Finds Links to You on Twitter

If you're at all serious and savvy about using Twitter as a marketing tool, you probably do regular searches for mentions of your brand, using Twitter's own search tool or one of the many third party tools available. That's a good thing to do, but you've probably been missing a significant portion of Twitter refrences to your brand: those with a direct link to one of your sites but no mention of your brand in the text.

Enter BackTweets. Enter your base URL (e.g., and BackTweets will find any link to that site posted on Twitter. Good news: BackTweets can "see through" shortened URLs. Any URL search you create with BackTweets has its own RSS feed so you can keep track of new linkers. To get that in your email, submit the RSS to FeedMyInbox.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea. Really useful information - thanks for pointing it out.
